Saturday, July 19, 2014

unit 10

  1. Review your unit 3 personal assessment of your psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being. Reflect on these areas . How did you score yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 in unit 3? How do you score yourself now? Has the score changed? Why or why not?
    1. I had an understanding of physical wellness and have been actively engage in fitness. I thought that was the end all be all for my happiness. As though that could compensate for lacking in other areas. I rated a 10 in that area of physical.
    2. Psychological is an area I was also actively seeking. I have had an interest in expanding my mind for personal growth and development. I was curious in me and rated 7.
    3. Spiritual has always confused me because I can't grasp the different concepts in mans translation. I used to resist the temptation to ask for help, I was given this life as an opportunity to create my own adventure. I rated a 6. Now I find it is okay to ask for help and to keep asking. 
  2. Review the goals and activities you set for yourself in each area. Have you made progress toward the goals? Explain.
    1. I have made progress because I understand being physically fit and not overdoing it are essential for health. There can be negatives to always working out. My psyche is improving because I am more comfortable in my views and beliefs. I use an analogy when learning something of "is that all there is?" to reflect how basic things can be and alleviate stress. I believe in a creator, whether they are a being similar to myself who did DNA experiments or whether they are some multidimensional god.   
  3. Have you implemented the activities you chose for your well-being in each of the three areas? Explain.
    1. I listen at work at decipher peoples conversations which usually include one if not more of the topics. I can follow or trace their being and health, but will not offer advice since I am not certified.
  4. Summarize your personal experience throughout this course. Have you developed improved well-being? What has been rewarding? What has been difficult? How will this experience improve your ability to assist others?
    1. My experience is that things will never be constant. It is important to continue, to alter, and to have variations. I have been feeling rewarded from continue my interests pursuits. The difficult part has been going through moments of being down. Even though you know it is not healthy, at times it's difficult to force on a happiness premature. But that's the cycle of up/down- it comes back in time. But if you believe- a lot is possible. Reminds me of a song "Angel" by a fave Johnette Napolitano/Concrete Blonde: what if I said I
      saw the future:
      & the future was the
      picture in your head?
      what if I said to you to
      paint another picture & you'd
      wake up in that future that you'd
      painted, & you did?


  1. I am not sure when people develop the inability to ask for help but I seem to run into this aspect in people, and myself, quite often. When we are little asking for help is normal and as we grow we seem to forget that we were not meant to do everything by ourselves. I am glad that you are able to ask for help again. I wish you the best of luck in your future.

  2. We ranked ourselves about the same in the beginning of the year, and our improvements are comparable too! That is so interesting to me. I also have found out more of my beliefs and views on some topics, it sounds like you are in the same boat. I am constantly seeking help, whether it is there or not. I wish I had some while I was learning to meditate! Continue to grow and learn, and practice as many things as you can, whenever you can. I hope you continue to develop yourself and wish you the best for the future!

  3. It is hard forcing happiness in a situation of suffering and pain. We only have so much control over the pictures that we paint. Sometimes what we paint and want we are not offered or given. That is when the challenge comes to being happy. Living in the moment is a extremely important part to life because we never know when we are no longer offered the moment or if it will end. I like the story of the painter, it is hopeful and I can see the difference in can offer in life to repaint the picture and accept it. Sometimes the pictures need to be modified and that should be acceptable to the flow of life. Wish you luck man.
