Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Plan

            Professionals in the field of health and wellness have an important role to uphold in addition to providing care.  The health field is a reflection of acquired knowledge and applied science.  Because of this, it is crucial that the professional take on the reflection and partake in the discipline he or she is prescribing to others.
            My interest in health and wellness coincide with my daily activities and adventures.  When I am done with my studies I will continue on with the discipline to reinforce the knowledge and advise I shall give to customers.  I shall look and feel the part of a benevolent leader.
In creating my own awareness I understand my need to focus and concentrate more on nutrition and the psycho-spiritual aspects. Diet is an important part in the matrix of wellness and I am not one that fully engages healthy eating.  Along with diet, my faith and spiritual following has been more sporadic than regular.  My goal is to become more as one with the spirit and with nutrition.
Since I have chosen this course of study, I have been assessing my current progress. In the area of physical wellness I score myself 9 out of 10. There is always room for advancement, yet chasing perfection is unhealthy in itself. So I am at a point where I am content and above average for many my age.
In the area of psychological wellness I score myself an 8.  To achieve complete happiness is also a pipe dream, it will never happen.  Our existence has multiple emotional aspects and there can’t be happiness without sadness.  Having moments of non-happiness helps an individual discover when you achieve happiness.  I am emotionally content and am seeking improvement, yet the environment also can dictate that fate. 
Spiritual wellness is an area I score the lowest.  I rank my score at a 6 ½.  I get too confused with the different interpretations of religion and our existence.  Because of this it is difficult to identify what particular faith I should devote myself to.  As science continues on and discovers the effects of belief, it shows alternative possibilities as well.  I am on the cusp of forming a basic belief that doesn’t follow a particular structured religion, but more of an adaptive trait. 
Goals for development include all three areas of wellness.  In the physical area, I will work on flexibility and mobility to be able to do a high kick.  In emotional, I will meditate more often at night to wake up refreshed and confident.  Spiritually I will comprise the benefits of all good actions and follow suit.
Working out at the gym helps foster improvement physically.  There are two exercises I am beginning to take to.  The first is a machine that is similar to an elliptical but does sideways motion instead of forward motion.  I like this machine because it focuses on my butt and I am going to get a nice, round, tight butt.  Another exercise is the push press which incorporates multiple muscle groups for a well rounded physique.
Continuing my educational goal is also important in fostering emotional growth.  I will strive for the best possible GPA that I can achieve.  If I can stay on the Presidential list for the duration, that will also signify my accomplishment.  
Reading the bible will foster spiritual improvement.  I started last week and will need to continue to read for awareness.  I will also engage in prayer to increase my unconscious collective energies.
To monitor my progress and commitment I will check for certain criteria.  My butt should be firm and when I work out I should notice people gathering around to take glimpses.  I can also monitor my GPA through the website for maintenance.  And in prayer, I should start receiving benefits that can be in the form of employment and financial success.

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